Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Dragon's Back

This weekend Matt and I decided to hike the Dragon's Back. Dragon's Back is an easy, one hour hike that it seems like everyone in Honbg Kong has done a million times, except us. We have been hiking quite a bit here, but never the Dragon's Back! It was nice to get out a little, but it was SO humid, and I was sweating like a beast. Also, there were a ton of people on the trail. I miss hiking in the Sierras, where you might not see another person the whole day! All the expats rave about how hiking in Hong Kong is so great, but I feel like they haven't seen really beautiful, stunning, pristine wilderness. I guess that is the point though, hiking areas in Hong Kong are accessible to everyone, and it is not a long trek to get to a good hiking spot.

The views were great and we ended up in Shek O, which was lucky cause we ended up booking a really cute barbecue spot on the beach for our going away party.