Monday, October 17, 2005

Forbidden City

On Saturday, Matt and I had breakfast and headed out to the Forbidden City. It was pretty and all, but the most interesting thing about our visit was the audio guide. It was so informative! It made it so much more interesting to hear about the lives and customs of the emperors and empresses that lived there. Of course, it made it a lot longer also, so we didn't get around to all of the parts of the Forbidden City. This is just as well though, since I will probably have more visitors while I am here and then I can hear the parts I didn't get to hear about the first time.

Hearing about all of the excess and extravagance of the imperial court was pretty amazing. And gross considering that they lived in such unbelievable luxury while many of the people in the country were so poor and hungry.

A view of the Forbidden City from Across the Moat Posted by Picasa

So Pretty! Posted by Picasa

Meagan in the Inner Court Posted by Picasa

Meagan at the Forbidden City Posted by Picasa

Matt at the Forbidden City Posted by Picasa

Cool Stone Carving Posted by Picasa

More of the Forbidden City Posted by Picasa

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