Monday, October 11, 2004

Trip to the Peak

Today was a pretty lazy day since we were up so late night last night. We pretty much just ate breakfast (yummy Breton-style crepes at Le Rendez-vous), wandered around Soho and then ate dinner on the Peak. Of course, any visitors to Hong Kong have to make the trip on the tram up to the Peak for the gorgeous view. So, my visitors and I got that taken care of tonight and had dinner at Shooterz, an American style restaurant full of tacky decorations, a Filipino band playing Beatle's covers, and gargantuan proportions. Remind me not ever to go there again. All in all, I would have to say that none of the restaurants up there have been great, and they all cost too much for what you get. But, the view is spectacular and it has a fun, vacation-like mood to it, probably due to all of the tourists there.

Missy, Meagan and Lara on The Peak Posted by Hello

1 comment:

XOXO me said...

That's a fabulous view...