Saturday, March 04, 2006

It's been a long time....

I haven't written for quite a long time...since the Masseys first arrived in Hong Kong! Alot has happened since that time, but all of it has been internal. I have had a major self identity crisis! The trip with the Masseys was great, they were very laid back and relaxed and seemed to welcome every new experience that came their way. It was fun! I am not sure why, but the day after they left, I decided I should finally educate myself about multiple sclerosis. So I bought a book by Dr. Howard Weiner. It scared me! I could no longer deny that I have this chronic disease. The further I got into the book, the quicker my carefully constructed work od self delusion came crumbling down. Now I think I have actually had 3 MS flare ups, not 1 like I had thought before. The first one happened when I was 18. THis is very scary considering that the disease usually takes 15 to 20 years to progress (or so the doctor says...) and I am already 25 years old! So that is 7 years of the disease...a long time! My mobility is precious, and the thought of losing it makes me feel ill, literally....after reading this book I was (coincidentally?) sick for 2 weeks. Bummer! During this long time spent in the house, sick, I thought a lot about what is important to me. The ONLY thing that is really important to me is family and friends. Also, I want to have a career, or at least start one. Also, I want to have kids. If I (tentatively speaking...) only have 8 years left of mobility, I want to spend those years with my family nearby. Also, somehow I feel that my medical care will be more consistent and thourough in the US. This is probably just my own feeling, because actually medical care in Hong Kong is excellent, and I love me doctor. So, in conclusion, I decided to try to apply for graduate school again, even though I am more than a month past the deadline! So, now I await news...Matt and I might be back to the US soon, or we might not, I have no idea. It is hard because in Hong Kong, the culture is so travel oriented, and it is seen as sort of a weakness to go back home. It seems like everyone has given me all the reasons why I should stay. I agree, there are lots of benefits to living in Asia, I love it here! But, I love my family even more.

Anyway, enough blathering on about my issues...There is good news in the family, Kristi is pregnant! I am so excited! Also, my friend Rachel is getting married, and I will be back in the US for the wedding. Yay!

Who wouldn't want to see these cuties more?

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