Tuesday, March 21, 2006

My Morning Ritual

My Morning Ritual:

First, I put the kettle on so that my tea can brew while I am making my oatmeal. Then, I start skinning the apples. I used to prefer fuji apples, but now I like the tanginess of Granny Smith. I put the apple skins on a plate with cinnamon on top, then pop it in themicrowave for 2 minutes. Then, I start chopping up the rest of the apple to put in the oatmeal. I mix the apple, a half a cup of oatmeal, alot of cinnamon and about a cup of water in a bowl, then microwave that for four minutes. It is so delicious! The apples become soft and sweet and the cinnamon is a perfect complement. It is like eating a giant, mushy cinnamon roll with apple. So good! So good that I have eaten this every day for almost to years! The apple skins are a new thing, but I love it too...when you microwave the skins they get sort of crunchy and sweet and it is so yummy.

Big Bowl of Delicious (aka "oatmeal")

When Grandma Janet came to visit me she was shocked at how big my bowl of oatmeal was. She said, "How can you eat that? You should never eat a whole apple, only a half..." It looks bigger than it is because something about cooking the apple with the oatmeal makes it puff up alot. But even so, I have no trouble finishing off a whole apple at a time. I didn't know anyone ate just half...

Microwaved Apple Peel...Yummmm

The Full Spread

In addition to oatmeal, I also like to have a pot of green tea, and I like to read a magazine while I eat. The more mindless the magazine the better...I don't think very clearly first thing in the morning. I would probably prefer to read the newspaper but we don't have it delivered to the house, and it isn't convenient to run out and get one.

I don't look my best in the morning...

My morning ritual that has been in effect for almost two years now. Anyone who has stayed at my house or lived with me knows about it. When we were in Beijing, our elictricity would go out randomly. One morning we woke up and my roommate Audrey said, "Oh no, there is no electricity so the microwave won't work...what about your morning ritual??" So nice of her to be concerned! (Don't worry, I still had my morning ritual...I just made it on the stove instead.)

Yes, I know...it is very boring to eat the same thing every morning, but hey...I love it.


XOXO me said...

the oatmeal looks so yummy... mmm...apple cinnamon...

takealetter said...

Wow, that does sound good...I've never been an oatmeal fan...unless it is in cookies or matrimonial bars(yum)! Oatmeal is Michaels favorite cookie. I like smoothies, fruit or yogurt for breakfast...as I'm walking out the door (I never get to sit down!) But I will have to try this...do you use instant or regular oatmeal?