Saturday, May 28, 2005

Junk Boat Trip

The weather in Hong Kong has started to get warmer and several of my friends have visitors in town so we decided to charter a junk boat. Despite the fact that it wasn't completely sunny, it was still warm and we had a great time. We took the junk out to the Sai Kung area and had a seafood lunch. It was way to much food but very delicious. The highlight was the whole steamed fish. After lunch, we took the junk to a little alcove and everyone started swimming. It was great, we swam out to some rocks and over to a beach. Everyone was jumping off the top level of the junk (except for Kelly, Theresa and I--I think I wrote a blog entry about the last time I jumped off the top of a junk) and swiming in inner tubes. Kelly's friend Theresa from high school in New Jersey was there with her boyfriend, and Payal's college roommate from Portland was there.

At the end of the day the weather started getting stormy and two of the people on our boat were sea sick so we headed home. Later on Kelly, Theresa, and I and all of our boyfriends went over to the Kee Club. That is our favorite club in Hong Kong but you have to be invited by a member so it was a real treat. (If you are staying it a really ritzy hotel like the Grand Hyatt like Theresa and her boyfriend were, the concierge can get you in.)

Matt, Meagan and Kelly on the Junk Boat Posted by Hello

Payal, Lauren and Meagan Posted by Hello

Eating a Seafood Lunch Posted by Hello

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