Saturday, August 18, 2007

Marriage Advice

For one of the bridal shower activities, everyone anonymously wrote down a piece of marriage advice and I guessed who it was from and then picked my favorite. I think it was all good advice. The little girls gave some of the best advice!

Live close to family when you have babies!

Sarah Pulsipher:
Have family time like ice skating and movies.

Jennifer (mom):
Laugh as much as possible.
(The good thing is, her and Rohit follow this one. That whole family is blessed with the funny genes. Where are mine???? Dad, you let me down in this area! I am nice but not very funny at all!)

Makayla (4 years old):
Don't watch TV at night.

Lea Hardy:
Go on a vacation with the family.

Marissa Mahajan:
Spend a lot of time together!

Aunt Suzanne:
Best friends is key!

Amy Pulsipher:
Be spontaneous!

Lindsay Dillon:
Laugh a lot and always remember to be a team!

Kelly Pulsipher:
Be the boss and in charge at all times.

Aunt Maria:
Keep an open mind and an open heart...and a good sense of humor!

Ami Hurd:
Begin and end each day with a kiss. Love will follow you everywhere.

Aunt Linda:
Try to do more for him than he does for you...Make him feel like he is the most important person in your life!

Aunt Camber:
1. I kiss him every time he leaves and everytime he comes home.
2. I also tell him I love him ALL OF THE TIME.
3. If he says he loves me back I ask him why. Then after he tells me, I tell him why I love him.
4. Overlook annoying habits...because everyone has is part of the human experience.
5. Stay positive and laughing.
6. Date night every week (Advice from Jimmy and Grandpa Richard)
7. Laugh all the time but never be sarcastic.

Aunt Nancy:
Never have a headache.
(This was told to her by my Grandma Yeckel the night before her wedding.)

Grandma Janet:
Treat your husband like a king and you will always be his queen.

Enjoy each moment. Share new experiences. And the old standard -- never go to bed angry!

Latrice Pichon:
Always be open and honest with Matt about your inner most feelings.

Communiation is key. Pick your battles and always make sure you take care of yourself.

Maya Mahajan:
Make time for your loving sisters.
(See, she got the funny gene!)

Can you guess which ones were my favorites? At the time I said Lea's and Nancy's but now I am not sure. They are all so thoughtful and good! People's personalities are definitely reflected in their advice.

Typing all of these out made my heart expand with love and happiness again, like at the bridal shower. (Wow, I sound really cheesey...see what happens when you lack the funny gene?)


Tracy said... made me cry reading them! Believe me..ALL the advise you got is valuable and true. I have been married 19 years September 17th and were still like Newleyweds (sp??) oh know what I mean! Congratulations to You and Matt!!!! I'm really so happy for you guys!
Tracy xo

Stephen Dedalus said...

Well here is my (plagiarized) advice,
"Love is all: it gives all, and it takes all."-Søren Kierkegaard