Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The Best House Guest Ever

The morning after I got back from the US, my old college roommate came to visit me in Hong Kong. This could have been difficult considering the small size of our apartment and the fact that Matt and I were leaving for Japan in one week, but since Liz was "the world's best guest" everything went smoothly. Liz was seriously the ideal guest. She should write a book about the etiquette of being a guest. I think that because she lives in Brooklyn and gets a lot of visitors, she must have learned what she appreciates in a guest and what she doesn't.

One reason that she was such a great guest is that she came to Hong Kong with a little bit of knowledge about what the city was like and what she wanted to do while she was here. She read her Lonely Planet, looked on the internet and asked friends about Hong Kong and what was fun to do here. So when she arrived, she told me some of the things she was interested in. She was also very flexible though, and asked Matt's and my opinion about what her plans were. Another good thing is that she was happy with everything we did. Or at least, if she wasn't happy she didn't act all grouchy and put out. She seemed happy though, and petty much went with the flow of what Matt and I were doing. Also, she was very undertanding about the fact that I had just been gone for 6 weeks and was about to leave for another trip, so she was independent for part of everyday to give me time to do my laundry and other mundane tasks that I had.

Liz and I both have our birthday on July 26, and she was here for that, so Matt arranged a birthday dinner for us at a place called Yung Kee Restaurant, which specializes in roast goose. We also went to Dim Sum with Matt and his coworkers and then she told me about a new thing that I had never heard of before: The Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery. That was another good thing about Liz as a guest, she showed me something new!

Unfortunately, I feel like I was a really bad host because I was so distracted by what I had to do, and Matt and I left Hong Kong a day before she was an accident, because Matt booked our tickets to Japan while I was in the US and I didn't have her itinerary with me and I though she left a day earlier than she did. Liz needs to write a book for me about how to be a good host! I know she is a great host because I have visited her in New York before. Ah, well, next time she visits I will be more organized and make sure I am there the whole time!

Liz at the 10,000 Buddha Monastery Posted by Picasa

A Few of the 10,000 Buddhas Posted by Picasa

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