Thursday, November 18, 2004

Feels Like Spring

It is definitely one of those days...I am sure everyone has had a day like this, or at least I hope so. It has that euphoric, expectant, excited sort of feeling. Like...that day when you finish finals and you are excited and happy but you still have to pack up your stuff to go on break. Or like the first day of spring in Davis, when it has been grey and cold and dismal and all of sudden you can feel the weather changing and you know that soon it will be spring, sunny and clear and warm but not too warm. Or like when you are working and it is the Thursday before a three day weekend and you can't concentrate on any of the stuff you know you need to get done so you end up chatting with your coworkers the whole time.

I am not exactly sure why I am having this feeling. Nothing has changed in my life since yesterday. It could be because Matt is taking Friday (tomorrow) off of work so that we can go see dj Sasha spin in Guangzhou this weekend, and we are staying at the Oriental Resort which looks very nice. It could be because I am finally back on a normal schedule after our all nighter at the Yacht Club Ball. It could be because I picked up my plane ticket to come home for Christmas yesterday, and it is free due to all of Dad's frequent flier miles and I get to fly Singapore Airlines rather than United. It could be because today the weather here in Hong Kong is brisk and cooler than usual, so that you can wear jeans comfortably, but still perfectly sunny and clear. It could be because I had 7 emails in my inbox this morning. Or, it could be because I had chocolate chips and coke light for breakfast. Whatever the reason, I am doing my best not too analyze it to much for fear of ruining it.

So what am I doing today? Not much, considering all of the excited energy I have...I am packing for Guangzhou, and will probably do some laundry later. I ran around this morning opening every single window and cleaned up the clutter around our house. I walked through the park and picked up some odds and ends at the drug store and then sat in the park reading The Princess Bride. I will leave in a couple of hours to meet Matt in Shenzhen. I am listening to Sublime. So, pretty uneventful I guess.

On a side note, I am much more excited to come home for Christmas than I thought I would be. It is going to be so great to see everyone and I am really looking forward to the familiar tradition of skiing in Utah. I am also eager to get back to San Diego, cause I am looking forward to the great Christmas weather that San Diego has, sunny and clear and wonderful. And mexican food and pancakes. And swimming with my little sisters. When I was in the park this morning there was a field trip of kids about Marissa's age and I realized that I really miss my sisters! They make me feel so loved.

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