Saturday, September 25, 2004

They Really Like Movies

Matt and I went to see The Terminal last night at the mall in Mong Kok, which isn't really an expat area to hang out and so the audience was mostly Chinese. It was a pretty funny movie, but man, they thought it was hilarious. Even the mildly amusing things provoked huge outbursts of laughter, and when people slipped on the wet floor in the terminal, all hell broke loose! During the love scene between Catherine Zeta Jones and Tom Hanks, I turned around to look at the audience, and they were looking up at the screen as if they were completely enraptured and in awe. (Now this is not to say that the audience thought the movie was so funny because they are Chinese, I am merely making observations. It was quite remarkable...Matt and I kept looking at eachother and laughing during the movie.)

It reminded me of when I went to see There's Something About Mary with my Dad right before he dropped me off for my first year of college. He was slapping his knee, had tears running down his face and he could barely stay in his seat! If you know my Dad, it is very unusual for him to do more than chuckle, so I spent the whole time watching him instead of the movie. That was the only time I saw him like that.

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