Sunday, June 10, 2007

I am back!

I am back from India! Actually, I have been back for a week but I have had severe jet lag...and that horrible overwhelmed feeling of having a ton of stuff to do but being paralyzed to actually begin, and then being worried about the fact that you haven't started anything you are supposed to be doing.

When we first got to India, we had a week long Unicef orientation in Delhi. It was held at the Habitat Center in Chanakyapuri, which is a really nice part of Delhi. We listened to guest lecturers talk about all aspects of child health (not just nutrition) in India. It was very informative and it was great to get a chance to meet all of the other Unicef interns from all over the world. One thing I noticed is that Unicef actively seeks out film students for internships to do student documentaries and stuff. It made me think of my 2 cousins that are interested in film, and about all of the other avenues in film besides just Hollywood type stuff.

They fed us really well during the orientation, with everything catered and frequent tea breaks. At the end of our orientation, we had a big dinner at the International Center in Delhi. It was good but the weather was insanely 45 degrees celsius! It was a freak heat wave during our stay and I coud barely handle it. Walking outside for 20 minutes would make me dizzy and nauseous. I can't believe they expected us to eat outside!

The last dinner of our orientation.

The Unicef orientation was fun...I felt like a kid at summer camp. We were all staying at the same hotel and they drove us around on buses. We even went on a field trip to Humayan's Tomb.
These are my team members, Brenda and Mary. We look so clean and happy at this point!

This tree is amazing. I had to post a photo.


Janet said...

So glad you are back to posting, I love hearing about your adventures!!!

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