Friday, June 01, 2007

Spring Flowers

I've noticed that a lot of bloggers who live in areas with Winter post pictures of flowers on their blog when Spring rolls around. I always thought, "Ya, ya, it's spring, we get it." But now that I have successfully made it through my first New England Winter (with snow and everything!), I see the need to post pictures of flowers. They are everywhere, all of a sudden! It is amazing and beautiful! We have been living for months in an extremely grey was almost inhumane. But now there is color and warmth again and I can almost forget how long the winter seemed. Plus, there is still Fall, which is so gorgeous here, before Winter rolls around again. Yay!

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Janet said...

I have some rhododendrons that just have leaves each year and never bloom (your top picture) I wonder what that is about??? My gardening is pathetic.

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