Friday, June 01, 2007

Cape Cod Salt Water Taffy

Near our hotel, there was a salt water taffy stand. The minute I saw it, I yelled at my boyfriend to pull over. Not that I like salt water taffy (I actually don't like it at all) but it seemed festive and vacation-y. Of course, I had to get a picture, although now I am not sure why it seemed so urgent! The place was good though, they make there taffy everyday and they had a huge selection. Somehow, I decided that my Grandma Janet loves taffy, so I bought a bag for her. (Expect it in the mail soon, Grandma.) I am not sure if she really likes taffy or if I just imagined it. Anyway, they had some interesting flavors: fluffernutter (very New England) and molasses peppermint (ew). I am not sure if molasses peppermint qualifies as a "true flavor". Haha!

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Janet said...

I love taffy!! Especially Salt Lake Taffy but Mission Beach used to have a taffy place that was pretty good, too--wonder if it is still on the boardwalk???

Janet said...

love taffy!! Especially Salt Water Taffy from Salt Lake but Mission Beach used to have a taffy place that was pretty good, too--wonder if it is still on the boardwalk???