Thursday, May 17, 2007

Camping in Cape Cod

Last weekend Matt and I went camping with our friends Greg and Mekayla. It was so much fun! Cape Cod is very cute, with lots of little "clam shacks" and restaurants and stores.

We went on some nice day hikes. It is great to be able to get out of the city every once in a while. I hadn't been camping for a long time, so it was lots of fun. We went out to dinner at night, but then we came back to the camp site for a camp fire and we roasted marchmallows. Greg and Mekayla even sang folk was very festive, but I feel like we let them down by not singing with them. Matt did sing an Irish song about Tipperary (or something like that), and I was impressed. Alas, I knew no songs and did not sing!

This is a picture of Matt and I one of our hikes. I am wearing a pink fleece that I bought in is perfectly functional and warm, but Matt hates it. He wants me to get rid of it, but frankly, good fleeces here inthe US are expensive, and why should I buy a new one if the old one is fine? I admit, hot pink is probably not the best color for a fleece, but in the end I just don't care.

I love the colors in this photo. I think New Englanders are used to the beach being cold...we saw people bringing a down comforter out to the sandy beach to cover up with! People were laying out in beach chairs while all bundled up!
Also, these pictures came out really small...I was experimenting with bloggin directly from Picasa, and this is how it turned out. I am too lazy now to go back and try to repost larger pictures! If you click on the photos, they will come up in a new box in giant size.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Meagan! Just catching up on your posts I missed while I took a little blogger hiatus. Congratulations on your engagement! I'm so happy for you.

Your trip to India looks like it was a lot of fun. I would love to take a trip to India one of these days.