Saturday, May 26, 2007

8 Random Facts About ME

I was tagged by Julie to write 8 random facts about myself. This has turned out to harder that I thought. What exactly is included in "random"? Anyway, here goes...

1. I am really frustrated by the whole "wedding ring" thing. I am supposed to pick one out, and I have sort of come to the conclusion that I don't really want one. I am sort of a plain, simple person, and jewelry isn't really my thing. Don't get me wrong, I do like jewelry...I have been wearing a silver om necklace everyday for years that I bought on my first trip to India years ago, I have a silver CTR ring that my aunt Maria gave me and a silver ring that my Grandma Yeckel gave me when my great Aunt died. I wear these things everyday, mainly because they are simple and they remind me of my family. I also have other special jewelry that people have given me, but they seem too precious to ever wear. I will always keep them but I probably won't wear them very often. So, when it comes to the wedding ring, I feel like I should wait until I see something that I am in love with. I know this will happen some day. But currently, I feel pressure to find an engagement ring. This is the first thing that people ask about when they hear you are engaged. Plus, you need a ring for the wedding ceremony. The other thing about rings is that I will probably never wear a ring that has color...just because I like things simple. So, I guess I could get a plain white gold/silver/platinum band until I find a ring I am in love with? I don't know. Plus, the whole wedding ring industry sort of makes me sick. We have only been into one jewelry store and we got the "high pressure sales" thing which scared me and we haven't been shopping since! The marketing of engagement rings is omnipresent and manipulative. I want to take a stand! But on the other hand, I do like tradition. But, at this point, wedding rings are the least of my worries.

2. I used to eat oatmeal, apples and soy milk every day for breakfast. (For like, 3 years!) Then I ate it one morning and said, "Hmmm, I don't want this for breakfast anymore", and I haven't eaten it since. The problem is that I have no good replacement for it and I still have a costco pack of Quaker old fashioned oatmeal. I have tried smoothies for breakfast but they make me sort of hyper and they don't really fulfill me. I think they have too much sugar. I don't add any, but fruit is so sweet naturally.

3. I want a baby. But don't worry, I am going to finish school and work for a while before I have one. And besides, Matt isn't ready yet. And to Sam (Matt's brother, not that he reads this blog) don't worry, I would never be sneaky and try to have a baby before Matt is ready. Sam has this strange idea that girls like to trap men by going behind their back and "accidentally" getting pregnant. I am not sure if he knows a whole bunch of bizarre women or if I only know strong, independent women, but I think that it is extremely rare for a woman to try to do that.

4. I love California and I want to move back because my family is extremely important to me. But, I am worried I can never move back because I hate spending so much time in a car. It is insane to me that people are willing to spend so many hours per day in a car. But I guess if you are used to it, you don't notice. It used to be normal for me. I am not sure how California can change things though...and I don't think most Californians want to change things. Different stroke for different folks I guess!

5. This is what I look like after drinking hard alcohol. This is also why I don't do it very often!

6. One of my life goals is to study ashtanga yoga at AYRI with Pattabhi Jois. It will happen. I don't know when, but it will happen!

7. I have three positive thinking role models: Camber Hardy, Kelly Berlin and Betsy Clapp Lewis. It is so important to stay positive, not only for your mental health but also your physical health. The more you try to see things in a positive light, the more things will actually be positive. The world is only what you perceive it to be, so might as well perceive it in a positive way. Strangely, it has been much easier to see the world in a positive way since I was diagnosed with MS. Even when people hurt my feelings really badly, I have no choice but to think, " I have no time or energy for negative feelings. I am going to disregard this and move onto more positive feelings and actions." This is not to say that my feelings don't get hurt.

8. I am running out of random things. Hmm. Let me think of something funny. Oh, ok, I am not very funny. I don't know just happened like that. Maybe I can blame it on the MS? Matt is really funny. My family is funny. When Matt visited my family in San Diego last summer, we were all sitting at the dinner table and everyone was having witty banter, even my little sisters Maya and Marissa and Malini! I was just laughing, but not contributing otherwise. Then I thought, hmm, why am I not funny? Then I thought, "Oh well, everyone seems to like me anyway". :)

The rules - 1: Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves. 2: People who are tagged, write a blog post about their own 8 random things, and post these rules. 3: At the end of your post you need to tag 8 people and include their names. 4: Don't forget to leave them a comment and tell them they're tagged, and to read your blog.

(I can't tag 8 people cause I only know 4 bloggers!)
TAG you're it:

Grandma Janet

Crystal (Vivacious Vegan)


Janet said...

Good you didn't give a deadline for this...I hate being tagged for anything! Random fact #1.

takealetter said...

I love that you still wear the CTR ring...I forgot I gave it to you!

I tried the oatmeal breakfast of yours because you made it sound so delicious on your blog...hated it! Not sweet enough for me...

Tagged, tagged all the bloggers I know!

Linda said...

I love reading your blog because you are so descriptive and reveal so much about yourself. I am thinking about 8 random facts, hmmm, not very much about be is random, but I will work on it.
I only know of 3 bloggers, and they have all been tagged!! At least we have each other...