Saturday, February 03, 2007


So far this year, Boston has had the least amount of snow since weather has been recorded. We finall got snow last night, but it wasn't the pretty, "snowflakes floating down onto a pristine white blanket of snow" -- It was "half rain/half sludge falling down heavily into a slushy, grayish mess on the ground". Literally, there were giant raindrops intermingled with fat globs of sludge falling. Gross!

Other than last night's snow/sludge, not much is new. Matt is still working hard with his Japanese clients on their products and we spent most of last week in Seattle meeting with them. Then, they came here to Boston for more meetings. Very tiring for him! I have been busy getting ready for India, and trying to get most of my schoolwork doen before we leave.

I am very excited for Hyderabad! It is going to be great, and weird also to be suddenly transplanted into 90 degree weather!

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