Saturday, August 02, 2008


Before I headed down to Nagapattinam, I spent a few days in Auroville. I first became aware of Auroville in my Lonely Planet book on my firsti visit to Tamil Nadu in June. During that trip I went to Pondicherry for a weekend getaway, and met a very nice man who was part of the group that has settled Auroville. Coincidentally (or not!), at about the same time Matt was telling me that he wanted to live "in a place where people rely on eachother for everything", including livelihod, childcare, and everything else. So, we were both intrigued by the concept of Auroville. I didn't have time in June to visit Auroville, so I vowed to return in August to check it out.

The city was started by Sri Aurobindo and a french woman that they call the Mother, and they started Auroville as a community where human unity can be achieved...regardless of race, nationality, etc. No money is exchanged here; residents work for the community and exchange goods and services. I am not sure f exactly all of the details, but that is my impression. To be part of the community you have to go through a 1 year "newcomer" phase and then you can join. When you oin they determine how you can contribute to the community (ie, teaching, farming, cooking, etc). You can also start a business, and give a certain percentage tot he community.

The center of the community is a structure called the Matrimandir. I didn't get a chance to go inside, but I head that you can go sit inside and meditate.