Monday, August 04, 2008

Auroville, continued

Another coincidence for me with Auroville, is that when I returned from my June trip to India, the substitute yoga teacher at my studio was from Auroville! It was kind of crazy...I had never heard of this place...then Matt said he wanted to live where everyone relies on each other...then I meet a man in Pondicherry who is associated with Auroville...then my yoga teacher is from Auroville. So, I had the nice chance to visit Monica at her home in Auroville in August and it was great to see a familiar face.

One of the things I like about Auroville is that they grow a lot of their own food, and it is organic. I ate the most delicious things while I was there...lots of fresh salads and delicious vegetarian food. They also have their own spirulina farm, and I discovered that I like spirulina. Also, they make and sell their own Kombucha tea. I became addicted to kombucha in Boston. Everyone in my yoga teacher training group was raving about it, so I tried it at Whole Foods and and loved it...which is very unfortunate because at Whole Foods it is more expensive than I would like to publish on my blog!! If you go to Whole Foods you can check it out. The Kombucha in Auroville was good and much more affordable than Whole Foods.

The unfortunate thing about the good food in Auroville is that one of the delicious things made me very first time being ill due to food in any of my travels throughout Asia!

The other thing that I liked about Auroville is that I could ride my bike everywhere. I love being in places where I can get around without relying on a car.