Monday, November 27, 2006

Ben and Jerry's!!!!

On the way home from Montreal, we went to the Ben and Jerry's ice cream factory! I was beyond excited...I had been there once with my mom and the Housley family when I was 13. Matt was not as excited as I was, but that didn't matter to me... my heart was racing the whole time with excitement. The new flavor that we got to try was Apple Pie. I didn't really like was too sweet and if I want apple pie I will just eat apple pie. I think their new flavor creation department has really gone down hill since Ben and Jerry left and Unilever took over! It was fun anyway though, and the drive through Vermont was gorgeous. I can't wait till it starts snowing so we can go skiing!


Janet said...

Oh, that sounds fun--and I would love to see Vermont,too. You need to rent the movie "White Christmas" with Bing Crosby.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm so glad you're back to blogging. You went away for a while and I kept checking back but eventually I just figured you went away for good. I now use bloglines to keep track of the blogs I like to read so I'm going to add you right now! I hope you don't go away for so long again. :-)