Saturday, March 17, 2007

St. Patrick's Day Dinner

We are really lucky that our downstairs neighbor, Marc, is super friendly and outgoing. We are even luckier that he is an amazing cook and that he lets us eat his food! For St. Patrick's Day he made a delicious, traditional Irish feast. (At least I think it's traditional...I have never been to Ireland so I can't be completely sure.) He made corned beef from scratch with potatoes, carrots and cabbage on the side.

For me, the best part of the meal was the coleslaw...he made a bleu cheese coleslaw from scratch that was amazing. Ever since this meal, I have been into oleslaw, which is sort of bizaare because I always hated it before.

This beautiful cake was made from scratch by is an Irish Whiskey Cake, and it was delicious. It was really good with the home made cinnamon whipped cream that we put on top.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

WOW! What a neighbor you scored!!!