Saturday, June 18, 2005

Maya's Elementary school graduation

Maya graduated from her elementary school this year, and I had the good fortune of being in town when all of the festivities were occurring. And believe me, there were a lot of celebrations! Maya is pretty lucky because her 5th grade class was tiny, only 7 other girls! I guess they got pretty tight, because all of the families no eachother and everyone was crying at the graduation ceremony, including her teacher. Each girl gave a speech infront of all the families, which I thought was very impressive. Maya's speech was quite eloquent and recounted the funny times they had in the class room and her love for the Country Montessori School and it's teachers. They also had a pool party at one of her classmate's houses and that was pretty fun. There was lots of food and lots of little girls everywhere. Mom's baked beans were a hit! (I have never heard of Mom maing baked beans before, but I guess she is a natural! Haha!) For me, probably the most notable thing about the pool party was the pool itself: it had a disappearing edge. If I ever have a pool, I want it to look like that! It was cool. The other thing about the pool party was that I realized that I hope to God that I have girls when I have children. I love girls, they are so much fun! At Malini's kindergarten graduation, I caught a glimpse of what it would be like to have boys. They just kept running around pretending to shoot eachother. It was so NOT fun! Maybe I am biased...I guess I will love whatever kids I have. Mom says that when I have kids, I will probably have 5 boys, just so the universe can realign itself after she had so many girls....I hope not! Some women in China or India can have all my boys if they want. Actually, I probably shoudln't write this in the off chance that I will have boys and they will read this.

Maya with some of her classmates Posted by Picasa

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