Sunday, February 20, 2005

Exploring the World of Food Blogs

When I went home this Christmas, a lot of people commented on how much I write about food in my blog. After my extremely long entry about the Schezuan restaurant a few days ago, I realized this was true. So, I have decided to start a Hong Kong food blog about my dining experiences in Hong Kong. Matt has been helping me set it up...I can't use for the new blog because it doesn't let you categorize your entries by subject, it only lets you archive them chronologically. This has proved to be more difficult than I thought, so Matt has set up a web server for me. We have transferred Dad's web site over to the new server.

Because I am setting up my own food blog, I have been reading more and more of other people's food blogs. Other people out there love food too! It is great...I added two links to food blogs I especially like, Tiny Fork and The Joy of Soup. Tiny Fork is written by a woman in Kentucky and it has the most gorgeous pictures on it. I think I am drawn to it because it seems very "American" to me, and I sort of miss that. The Joy of Soup has a ton of good recipes for homemade soup. They look delicious! Ironically, along with my food blog which will document my dining out experiences, I have also vowed to cook at home more! Soup is a good option, especially when you have had a big lunch, like Matt and I often do. I have decided that eating out is more enjoyable when you don't do it for every loses it's novelty. Plus, it is expensive.

1 comment:

XOXO me said...

I know what you mean about the soup. Growing up we ate so much soup and I didn't even realize it until after I got married how much I love it. Jarod was actually the one who made the observation. We'll have to swap recipes... :)

OMG I just sounded like an old lady!