After the Batu Caves, Matt and I stopped at a street stall that specializes in durian. Durian is a very strong smelling, odd tasting fruit. The smell is so pungent that there are rules about when an where you can open a durian. For instance, you can't do it on the MTR in Hong Kong or at the airport. It is extremely creamy, and each bite seems to taste different, it has a very complex flavour. Most people either love it or hate. Matt and I had both tried it once before, and Matt hated and I loved it in my first few bites, then I had one bite that made me want to throw up and I hadn't tried it since. Since we were in Malaysia, on an exotic vacation, and there were durian stands everywhere, I decided that we had better try it again. It was good, in a weird sort of way. I really like it, and ate my half of the fruit, but then I hit one bite that almost made me gag, so I stopped decided to stop eating while I was still enjoying it! Matt liked it this time too...maybe a fresh durian is much better than a less fresh one? Maybe it is an acquired taste? Maybe we were willing ourselves to like it? Maybe all three?
-Durian Palace- -Durian Online--Durian stops Flight- 
Matt eating durian

Durian, King of Fruits

Meagan about to eat durian
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