Saturday, July 29, 2006

Old Friends

Since Matt and I got back from Boston, we have been visiting old friends and trying to relax after our tumultuous trip to Boston. Looking for an apartment is hard work! We went back to Davis, and I was so surprised, it has barely changed at all! It was fun to be back in our old college town. I love it there, it was a great place to go to school. The only problem was the insane heat was literally 110 degrees. When it is that hot, you get tired really fast. (Or at least I do, Matt doesn't seem to have a problem.) We stayed with my old college roommate Ann and her boyfriend Jason in Sacramento. It was great to see them, I hadn't seen her since college! I always had a really negative view of Sacramento in my mind, but on this trip I really liked it. It has a lot of good is less expensive than other parts of California, it is centrally located (close to the mountains and SF), it has a small and convenient airport with cheap flights, it has a really cute midtown area with old houses, and there seem to be lots of young people around. The thing I like most about it is that is feels fresh...I mean that it feels like the kind of city that hasn't reached it's peak yet, there is still room for new things to be done and lots of new businesses that could be started. I could be wrong, of course...There are some problems with it too: there are a ton of crazy/homeless types and lots of ghetto people, and the crime rate is high. Also, there is a lack of "cool" restaurants a bars and stores and stuff. But I think that is an advantage. If you wanted to start something, you could, and everytime I go to Sac there is more and more "cool" stuff.

Enough rambling about Sacramento...on to the cute baby in the pictures above! We went to visit my old roommate Stacy, who just had a baby. She is my first friend to have a baby, and I am so excited! Her daughter, Georgia, is extremely cute and also very well behaved. She is only two months and already sleeps through the night in her own room. Stacy and her husband Bill's house was totally cute and right in the middle of a vineyard. I should have gotten a picture, but I didn't... it was TOO HOT and the minute I got outside I just wanted to run to the car and the air conditioning.

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