Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Last Day in Japan

Our last day in Japan is a very, very blurry memory. After three days of wet and cold and very little sleep, we didn't sleep at all on Sunday night so that we could beat the crowds for teh first shuttle bus off of Mt. Naeba and back to the train station. Despite being packed and ready and at the bus stop at 5, we still had to wait 45 minutes in line to get a ride! We made it into Tokyo at about 10 and had a few hours to kill before our flight. We decided to go for a stroll around Shibuya and to get some ramen. I was SO tired that I was delirious...it truly was a blur. The ramen was good, but the moment I ate it I wanted to fall asleep on my stool! Still, Japan seemed nice and I would like go back and explore Tokyo more thorougly. What little I saw was not what I expected. I thought it would be densley packed with sky scrapers like Hong Kong. Maybe we weren't in the right area...Tokyo is huge. The part I saw was more similar to Singapore than Hong Kong.

I came away from Fuji Rock Festival with a Ryukyu Disko CD and a love of Aqualung. (Not my usual music type, but I love it.) Matt came away with an obscene t-shirt that is in the photo below. (We are standing with a statue of Hachiko, Japan's Most Famous Dog.)

Shibuya in Tokyo Posted by Picasa

Matt and Meagan with the famous statue of Hachiko Posted by Picasa


XOXO me said...

I think if you change your settings on blog you can only have registered users comment (I don't know if you want that)...that might help with the spammers... I dunno.

The Massey Family said...

Thanks, Kim! Yes, I will change the setting. All of a sudden I am getting so much spam!

XOXO me said...

No problem, anytime! ;)